Don’t Catch the Turtles (6/6/18)

By-catch from fishing is one of the leading causes of marine biodiversity loss. This article highlights the fact that more than 46,000 sea turtles are accidentally caught, with 16,000 killed, during the fishing process; and these numbers were only gathered from Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. Researchers have found that while many often think of industrial…

Palm Oil Revisited (5/29/18)

For many years palm oil has been extracted as a cheap and versatile oil to aid in the production of various different products. When checking the ingredients list you can find it in approximately half the items on market shelves, including food and non-food items. Though this oil is inexpensive and versatile, it’s exploitation has…

100% Renewables? (5/20/18)

Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, hydro, waste, geothermal, alternative biomass, and wood biomass. Though renewables seem to be an energy saving grace, as we’ve exploited fossil fuels and destroyed our planet as a result, there is often doubt when it comes to their feasibility. These doubts are mainly surrounding energy capture for  when the…

We Love Healthy Soil (5/10/18)

  With the rise of industrial agricultural practices, has come a decline in soil health and fertility. Farmers with practices that align with organic and regenerative agriculture, take soil health very seriously, as this determines the success or demise of their crops. Industrial and conventional agriculture on the other hand don’t rely on the fertility…

My Footprint – Update/ recalculation!!

  Last time I took the footprint calculator test I received 1.8 earths and this time I am down to 1.4!     I think part of this has to do with the fact that when I first took the footprint test I said my apartment sources 0% of our energy from renewables when it…

Bees (5/3/18)

In my opinion, its very common nowadays to find things that parts of Europe are doing better than the US – better healthcare, better public transportation, and the newest one – banning chemicals that poison and kill bees! Which makes sense, right? Without these little pollinators, we wouldn’t have flourishing gardens that provide us with…

Piñatex (4/29/18)

Piñatex offers a sustainable and cruelty free solution for textiles such as leather and synthetic materials. Low environmental impact – high social responsibility creates income stream for local pineapple farming communities creates a use for the crowns of pineapple that would otherwise end in landfill sustainably sourced cruelty free textile solution Promotes a circular economy…

Volkswagen (4/22/18)

  Back in 2015, notice was filed that Volkswagen had violated the EPA’s Clean Air Act. The EPA found that Volkswagen TDI diesel engines were programmed to activate emissions controls only during emissions testing. This Resulted in their lab results coming back as meeting the standard for regulatory NOx emissions while they were in the lab. However,…

“Hello Flawed”

I grew up in the natural and organic products industry ~ my grandma owned a health food store for 30 years and my mom owns a certified organic body care company. I try my best to incorporate the cleanest body care and food into my life, but makeup has always been something i’ve struggled with….